Celebrating 21 again- 21 years of being a Doctor

Our founder Daphne, works as a GP, as well as with Home Wound Care, and she is celebrating being 21 again! This time it is 21 years from full registration as a doctor.

We asked Daphne if she could write one sentence summing up her varied years so far 21 years - from leading a refugee clinic in Turkey, looking after desperately ill people in A&;E, working as a GP in prison, or supporting the dying in Palliative Care in a Hospice Job.

‘My sound bite that I tell, is that people are the same the world over. They want to be listened to offered the best choices available for their care and feel the focus of your brain and thoughts working for the best possible outcome for them’.

This is what we offer at Home Wound Care, and we are proud to participate in research improving outcomes for future generations.


Linda’s Story – On the road to recovery


Speeding up the healing process through diet.