Our mission is to improve wound healing through research
We value all our patients who participate in our studies and research, and all care is always free of charge
Our services.
Expert Care
Our wound care nurses are experts at wound healing with years of experience and a passion for learning and development. They are led and trained by Sylvie Hampton who has been at the forefront of Wound Care Research and improvements in the UK over the last 25+ years.
Non- NHS Specialist Service
As a non- NHS private specialist service we are still able to provide our care free of charge. We partner with manufacturers to provide feedback and evaluations on products and dressings. For you this means appointments may take a little longer with more form filling, and you may have questionnaires to fill. Any evaluations you might wish to join however are entirely optional and will be explained in full to you.
Assess, Monitor and Review
Good wound care is not static. We monitor the trajectory of tissue change- when we see it slow we know to change up the program. We can visit you, by appointment , as often as is needed for optimal healing. Not constrained by NHS service pressures.
Compassionate Care
Our nurses have a passion for wound care, and a deep drive to improve healing and reduce suffering. They put your wellbeing at the heart of your care, and with more time for each appointment, can work with you to optimise all the other aspects of health that promote wound healing.